Useful downloads from the Dive Aqaba team
Here you can download the forms you need for PADI courses, Videos of Aqaba Diving to watch in your own time, Desk top pictures from Aqaba Diving, magazine article about Dive Aqaba and even a radio interview with Ashraf! Then there is a section for tec divers including forms for tec courses with us and now a new section added to the top of this page with useful stuff for you. A log book page, as we are always being asked when divers have forgotten their logbooks - download this and make your own! Also added recently is a Dive Theory Study Guide which covers the theory you need to know from PADI Divemaster to Course Director - a very useful study tool. I have now added a tourist street map of Aqaba so you can see where things are before you arrive.
Useful downloads
Useful downloads whether you are diving with us or not! Right click and save target as
or save link as. Left click to view.
Forms for courses
You need these forms if you are coming to do a
course with us. Right click and save target as or save link as, print
the forms and fill them out.
Left click to view.
View on YouTube
Or choose a video to download - right click and "save target as" or "save link as" sizes of the files are indicated, small files size have been reduced in size for quicker download. You can also left click and watch these. Large file sizes will be added by demand..these will take longer to download but are longer and higher quality.
Desktop pictures
Keep your diving memories alive while working by
having one of these pictures as your desktop. They are correctly sized
and have negative space for icons on the left of each picture.
Magazine Articles
These are articles and letters about Dive Aqaba that have appeared in the diving press.
Technical Stuff
Lots of dive planning sheets here to use as
required. The Dive Aqaba Tec Team recommends that you use proprietary decompression
software. All the forms for our tec courses are also here.