Launched in 1964 at the S.A. Juliana Constructora in Gijon, Spain as the
" Mone Dos " this 74 metre long general cargo vessel of 1,161 tons served the Naviera Anzar
Shipping Company of Bilboa, until 1969 when she became the
" Puerto De Pasajes " ,
with a further name change in 1978 to the
" San Bruno " . She was then purchased by
the Lebanese Cedar Pride shipping company, taking on the company name~ her 4th
and last.
In July of 1982 she arrived at the Jordanian port of Aqaba, and on the 2nd
August while at anchor and in ballast a fire spread rapidly through her engine
room and accommodation area's. Two of the crew lost their lives.
The damage from the ensuing blaze left the ship as a total constructive loss,
although her hull was still intact and she was still afloat. For the next three
years she remained a floating hulk, no one accepting the responsibility for her
mooring and harbour fees.
The King of Jordan himself, a keen diver, took an interest in the vessel and a
plan was hatched to sink the ship, in the hope it would become a part of the
reef, and a habitat for the rich marine life living in this quiet little
backwater of the Red Sea.
With the waters around Jordan plummeting away in depths beyond the sports divers
reach, there were no natural wrecks for divers to explore. The Cedar Pride was
to change that.
The ship itself was prepared by the port, pumping off oil, removing any hazards
and so on, they did a very good job indeed, so divers would not have any
problems in the future.
Next a suitable site had to be found ,now this posed a bit of a problem, as
their was no text book available on how to sink a ship in the Red Sea or any
other sea, on a coral reef causing as little damage to the reef as possible,
with the ship in one piece and in the upright position, horizontal to the shore,
with a dive ceiling of 20 to 30 meters from the resting area,
During my research for this feature I was able to interview
James Fylan
who was given the task of sinking the ship.
" A meeting was called at my office at the Royal Palace, and was attended by the
Captain of the Royal Yachts and the Jordanian coast guard commander, after a lot
of deliberation we finally came up with a feasible plan that would work,
provided sods law, gravity, or any other law would not intervene in the likely
Finding the site was not to big of a problem, coral their was plenty of, but a
piece or stag of coral big enough and strong enough to stop a fully grown ship
sliding off into the abyss was, as every Red Sea diver knows the Aqaba gulf is
like a valley, I couldn't help wondering how did Moses do that Red Sea trick of
his, it would be very handy if he was a site consultant now. After about a week
I selected 3 sites, which I figured would hold the ship in place, but bearing in
mind that any one of them could snap under the weight and loose the ship for
ever, it had been decided that the impact point on the sea floor, was to be
somewhere between 10m to 20m in the sand above the coral stag, now in theory
what should happen is when the keel of the ship hits the sand the sheer weight
of it should embed itself, to what depth was anybody's guess.
The next phase was the sand should start to give on the slope pushing ahead of
it a large mound of sand on the port side of the ship acting as a brake as it
approached the stag of coral reducing the impact on it ,and coming to rest.
H.R.H.Prince Abdullah was the patron for this project, and arrived about a week
before the sinking, to survey and pick one of the sites, as a very keen diver
HRH was very aware of what lay ahead and its requirements, so we suited up and
visited the sites it took a while and some discussion after the dive to decide
on the site I now know it was worth it.
The date set for the sinking, midday 16th November 1985 ,and just by chance this
was my birthday, I figured not a lot of people have ships sunk on their

Cedar pride being towed out of port, by 2 tugs one forward and one aft to steer
through other ships at anchor must be noted this was by no means easy, as this
was at the height of the Iran Iraq war, so all munitions etc went through this
port to Iraq, so a lot of skill, communications, and horse sense had to be
applied by the port authorities and their people to weave around other ships at
anchor to get to the site.

View of stern and starboard side, with steel rope from tug No.2 this had to be
kept short so tug No.2 could act as the rudder, the H frame on the skyline shows
from portside, Crows nest, GPS, Antenna array rigging, and Radar head.

This gives an idea how large this ship was, with Aqaba in the background.

The Jordanian coast guard at the ready with the charges,3 charges placed on the
hull one forward one aft and one mid ships on the cargo bays below the water
line, during its time at the port modifications were made to ensure that the
flood water would transmit itself throughout the ship as evenly as could be

A telescopic mobile crane and a large truck were anchored on the beach on the
starboard side, aft and on the portside was a very large pontoon from the port,
normally used for offloading ships at anchor, this was also anchored in a static
Now phase one began to get the ship over the site, with the two tugs a lot of
pulling and dragging ensued until everybody was happy.

With the ship firmly in place over the site it looked like a turkey, all trussed
up and ready for the oven. It was time now to lay the charges, the lads moved in
and spent about thirty minutes carefully placing each charge on a pre determined
location, the time was set at thirty second intervals, starting on the bow, mid,
aft, this gave sufficient time for the displacement of water and to try and
balance the ship, now all the theories would be put to the test.
The Royal command was given for all systems go, I think every body had a vision
of the ship being blown out of the water, what followed was 3 very muffled thuds
and a few bubbles at the preset time, now all we had to do was wait, and wait we
About twenty minutes passed and things did not look good the ship had not moved
one inch, so the lads were sent to have a look-see and report back. The report
was very good everything going to plan, its very reluctant to sink for the
second time so give the lady a chance.

Then we started to notice a list at the stern, this was anticipated because of
the weight of the engine room and the superstructure.

Their was a lot of chatter now going on between all the craft about when to
slack or let go of lines, picture 17 shows swimming to the ship with the standby
rescue diver to make sure all lines cables were not snagged on anything.

Well the rest speaks for itself all went according to plan as can be seen from
pictures 21 to 27 the ship landed perfectly where it was supposed to after a lot of
groaning, creaking and all sorts of other noises. The job was over and we had a new man made reef in
the gulf of Aqaba.