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Dive Aqaba PADI 5 Star IDC

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Pelagians in Aqaba - 4 years on

George Ionita, Philip Barawitzka & Rod Abbotson completed a weeks rebreather diving together for the first time since we all completed the basic course with Mark Ellyatt 4 years ago. Since then we have completed many hours on the units and further courses with Mark. A good time was had by all. Rod can now teach you to use this unit in Aqaba with TDI at anytime. Find out more! Meanwhile enjoy the pics below...mouse over to see comments at your peril!
Phil & George

Phil, George & Rod

Phil dons his Pelagian

Rod & George

Rod, Phil, Anas & George

Rod, Omar & George
George cooling off

Phil & George

Phil checking his computer

Phil & Rod

Rod, Anas & Phil

Rod & George
Dive deck

Roel helps Rod prepare

Phil, Rod & George

Pelagian divers on boat

Gerge Ionita with Pelagian

Rod & George