Girls Only

Celebrating PADI® first Women's Dive Day, we are pleased to launch a very special deal for all our friend women divers and those who want to start diving for the first time, with special deals on the daily program, training activities and courses.

Departure Tax Exemption

Good news, just heard from our agent, that all visitors coming down to Aqaba get exempted from all departure tax if they are spending 24 hours or less in Jordan, it is also giving the same exemption to groups.

This means if you want to come and visit Petra for a day, see Wadi Rum, or come for a days diving. for more information email us here


Useful downloads from the Dive Aqaba team

Here you can download the forms you need for PADI courses, Videos of Aqaba Diving to watch in your own time, Desk top pictures from Aqaba Diving, magazine article about Dive Aqaba and even a radio interview with Ashraf! Then there is a section for tec divers including forms for tec courses with us and now a new section added to the top of this page with useful stuff for you. A log book page, as we are always being asked when divers have forgotten their logbooks - download this and make your own!
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