Boat Diver

The best dives in the world are reached only by boat!

If you still think that " port " is a fortified wine and "starboard "is a deck on the S.S.Enterprise then this is the course for you. You'll learn lots of cool nautical terms (so you can understand strange people with wooden legs, hooks for hands and parrots on their shoulders.) Joking aside you will learn the proper procedures and etiquette behind boat diving including proper entry and exit techniques while demonstrating your knowledge on two boat dives. This will enable you to get more enjoyment out of your future diving from boats and make it look like you know the ropes.(Now where did I put that nautical knot book!)
This course can also count towards gaining you rating as a Master Scuba Diver - the "Black Belt of Scuba Diving"The course can be completed on a single day out diving aboard one of our regular dive boat charters! 1 day 2 dives

This course includes books and materials, instructor fees, transportation to and from boat, boat dive fees and certification, it does not include equipment rental or accommodation which are optional and can be arranged.
