102 Eilon Kirson
On march 9th 2023, Eilon and Jood had a successful dive after preping for it during the past year, a life time achievement, well done!
On march 9th 2023, Eilon and Jood had a successful dive after preping for it during the past year, a life time achievement, well done!
Pictured with Tarek above, at depth on their successful dive, Wael completed a 100m dive with Rod and Tarek after full trimix training and several weekends of warm up dives
Tarek along with Wael Issa completed a 100m dive with Rod after a series of work up dives over several weekends
After completing full trimix training with Rod, Elliot returned to ordan and completed a 120m dive with Rod and Amjad
Amanda returned to Aqaba in 2014, having worked as an instructor here for several years. She completed a 100m dive after completing Trimix Instructor training with Rod
George completed his deepest dive in Aqaba to 120m with Rod on their Pelagian rebreathers to the top of a deep crevasse off Neptunes Wall, still yet to be explored
The team of five technical instructors from Deep Siam in Eilat completed a dive to 105m at the Power Station dive site, where they could enoy the reef all the way up while decompressing.
Daniel completed a 110 dive with Rod on Pelagian Rebreather after he completed his PSAI 100m Explorer course on the unit with Rod
Valerie joined the 111m dive team along with Roel Sulting, Alan Avetoom and Thaer Juman after building up depths on her tec dives over several visits to Aqaba
After being a great tec support dive on many deep dives, Thaer joined the 111m dive team along with Roel Shulting, Alan Avetoom and Valerie Scotto
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